Gümüşyan at Asmalımescit

06/06/2012 21:09


Nowadays I love Asmalımescit. As new places open, I drag my friends and try new ones to eat. Gümüşyan Restaurant is my last nice discovery. I have already gone there twice and I can easily recommend this place everybody especially for an evening with friends.

Gümüşyan is an tavern based on Turkish and Armenian food. However, it’s spacious with high ceiling and windows, warm with walls made of bricks, marble tables, wooden furniture and in general modern and elegant with general ambiance and bar. But it’s not snob…  No live music. Popular songs or Greek songs are played.

Appetizers are good. Cold appetizers which I tried, smoked fish (tütsülenmiş balık pastırması) aubergine salad (patlıcan salatası), kopik (an Armenian starter)and circassian chicken (çerkez tavuğu) were delicious. Hot appetizer fried liver (yaprak ciğer) was highly praised but I found it standard. Besides this, fish kokorec (balık kokoreç) –fish, squid and octopus are cut in pieces and grilled crispy- and wrapped sea bass with cheese (peynirli levrek sarma) were good indeed. My friend who has no appetite and doesn’t like fish much also loved this one. My favourite main dish is steamed sea bass (Levrek Buğulama). Recently, I care for healthy diet and I especially increased fish consumption full with Omega 3. Not because I feel obliged to but also I enjoyed it…  Grilled and fried fish are delicious anyway but I hadn’t thought before that steamed fish could also be so good. I ate the fish which is served juicy in dip plate with spoon. I drank the juice until the last drop. Smell and taste of black pepper grains in the juice are still in my memory.  By the way, I should remind you that it takes 30 min to cook. Braised fish with vegetables at casserole pot (güveç kabında sebzeli balık kavurma) was not bad. There are also options for whom don’t like fish. There are also known desserts.

Finally, prices are reasonable despite its decoration and location. Perhaps, it’s because it’s still a new place. Also, it is recommended to make reservations if you’ll go at Friday evening or weekend. 











Photo Gallery: Gümüşyan at Asmalımescit



Topic: Gümüşyan at Asmalımescit

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